Me mahi tahi tatou mo

te oranga o te katoa

We should work together for the wellbeing of everyone.

A fresh take on divorce in NZ

Mediation is quickly becoming the preferred method of separation and divorce among couples in New Zealand.

Understandably, people going into mediation aren’t always prepared or equipped with the best ways to make this process successful. This can lead to frustration, stress, and conflict and ultimately lead those involved a step closer to litigation instead of successful mediation.

SOS Success offers a personal, supportive and professional approach to successful mediation.

Kelly Sutton is a certified pre-mediation divorce coach (DCA™) and a High Conflict Institute® New Ways For Families® licensed pre-mediation and co-parenting without conflict coach.

Pre mediation services that can get you where you need to be

Kelly Sutton

As an experienced lawyer and accredited mediator, Kelly Sutton offers a personal and supportive approach to mediation.

Her background as a business owner, director, board member and divorce and conflict coach assists her to understand how disputes need to be resolved quickly and in a cost-efficient way so people can move forward.

“I prepare clients emotionally and mentally with clearly defined goals and strategies. This empowers them to participate in mediation confidently and gives them the courage to achieve their desired goals.”